Photo Job Lab.

Photo Job Laboratory

You are in the place where through the photography and its inspiring thought you can express your desires and dreams.

Photo Job Laboratory has been conceived to help you not to close your dreams into a drawer, because they could be the source of your fortune and you don’t know yet. They could mean the turning point in your life, either in your work condition or for the fortune of the community.

Taking part to the Photo Job Lab. will be demanding and pleasant at the same time.

We start from the requirement that all dreamers bear often genial ideas in their minds. They see things that nobody else can see, and very often they are real visionaries. Well, if you identify yourself in such a category of people then you are in the right place. Below please find instructions on how to participate to the lab.

  1. Translate your dream into a photography image (or a collage of images)
  2. Associate a slogan, a thought of hope, a challenging message to the photo
  3. Fill in the form below with your data, the upload of the image and the message associated with it

Our team of marketing experts will concept a social issues advertising, which will be submitted to business consultants to evaluate the draft of a project. The social issues advertising obtaining approval from the consumers will be the starting point to access the Financing Programme Horizon 2020 of the European Commission, with free assistance.

Don’t be afraid to dream, don’t close your dreams into a drawer because you are afraid that someone could steal them to you: You had better had your dreams stolen and see them realized by someone else, than let your fear lead you inesorably to lose all your hopes and stop dreaming.

All the greatest and successful projects of all times have been the outcome of dreamers, who have never stopped dreaming!

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